2 Ocak 2020 Perşembe


Hi friends! I hope everything is okey 😊 Today I want to talk about Padlet.
Have you ever heard that app? If your answer "no" don't worry, we will learn and use it together.✊
Padlet anables to its users a specific environment. When I met for the first time with Padlet, our project homework came to my mind. I think in the new Age, new technology Age homework which is given by teachers, should be change. For instance; teachers should create a virtual enviroment, children are so interested about technology, so we can give homework from lots of websites. Like PADLET. Students always want to fun and using Padlet is so funny. Let's talk about how can we activate it in our language classrooms. In my opinion, me and my students can share our ideas thanks to Padlet. For example we can have a conversation the same Tim on Padlet we can debate something, with this way students will fun and learn lots of things. 
First of all, teacher and students should create an account, then teacher will open a classroom and invite students. After that teacher will give a conversation topic and students will talk about the topic while sitting at home and using computer. If anyone wants to share a picture, video or a link he can add it easily. 

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